Sunday, April 1, 2012

...and on the 7th Day Dr. Suess Rested

This land was made in the image of who-ville and Lorax land.

This is the closest I can come to making sense of the landscape in Moab, Utah.

We arrived late on Tuesday night, spending the week cooped up in a hotel, trying to make sense of our lives in our mother countries; Myself, W and C. C left us on Saturday, returning to Canada with near certain plans of returning soon. The trip is has been above and beyond what was expected, with friends new personalities entering and exiting the adventure along the way. Right now I am working feverishly on the rest of the lessons learned, looking to explain them through a replay of the longest day I have ever spent on a mountain. 18hr: no epic.

For now though, let me show you what I am seeing...

Onion Creek

Onion Creek

Onion Creek

A hole... where the sun comes through

Great times on the Corona Arch

This is a play by play of what W did on the Corona arch.

Indian Creek

What? is that you loving Crack? I think so...

Colorado River

Arches National Park at sunset

Claire joining ranks with the double arches

Best Cairn I have ever seen

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